hello everyone and welcome to English 1001 this is your co teacher Alicia Walton and today we’re going to be going over the allyn and bacon chapter 6 section on writing and annotated bibliographies and throughout these slides you might notice that there are some references to a chapter 7 please disregard that this is an older slide presentation deck but it contains a lot of good information so just ignore that we again are going to be working on chapter 6 which starts on page 120 of your textbook and we’re going to be talking about the annotated bibliography it’s called that in just a minute so for this chapter your learning objectives are going to be that you will pose or form a significant and possibly problematic research question next you’ll be exploring that problem or significant research question and narrating your thinking along that path after that you’re going to be thinking about your problem dialectically and finding resources or sources to back up the information that you which wish to diet into and during this process you’re going to take very good notes that will help you along the way so the reason why you write in annotated bibliography it’s actually there’s probably I would say three main reasons for writing one and this does spell it out but there’s me reading this from the screen in the need there’s me just you know being frank with you right so to be blunt it’s a good way to force yourself to keep notes on a topic it’s a good way to help you think your way through some of the research that you find it’s not uncommon for a student to choose a topic to research and then start doing the research and end up changing their mind about the angle or the actual research question that they’re going to choose to dive into here’s an example a couple of semesters ago I had a student who wanted to write about we had an argument if paper or research argument paper and for that paper I asked them to write an annotated bibliography to go along with it it’s a very useful tool so the student wanted to write about how soy was a was not helpful it wasn’t a healthy element to include in your diet right so he went along he started his research in about two weeks in he came into class and he said miss Walden I need to change my research question is that okay I said okay sure why was what what happened was the problem well come to find out he had been reading a lot of articles online that said that soy was not healthy and that it caused all these problems especially for men etc but come to find out the more he did actual research it turned out that a lot of journalists had misread this one study on soy and its effects on the body and that everything else that he could find supported how wonderful soy was and how it reduces your cholesterol and all this wonderful stuff and he said they got it wrong so I have to yeah I have to change this so not only did he change his research question the focus for his paper that he was going to be working on after the annotated bibliography but he also started the ignore away if he could come to find out there was more research that supported that it was good and of course he also figured out that there were a lot of journalists who were miss reading some of the research data and that does happen so you might find something along those lines depending on what you choose for your topic now our class of course focuses on the book nickel-and-dime so you wouldn’t be working with soy very unlikely that you would anyway but there’s still an opportunity there for you to change your way of thinking about something it might not be as drastic as that student and his experience was but there’s a lot of opportunity there for you to think in new ways about the information that you’re getting and so as this slide points out not only are you taking notes finding your research keeping track of your research taking notes about the research so your notes would include things like is this actually helpful is this research too old for me to use so if you’re talking about something like the use you know doing research on automated cars for instance you’re going to use the latest research that you can find right you’re not going to use something that you find from 30 years ago I don’t know what you would find from 30 years ago but chances are you’re going to mark that off the list so that would be something that might be in your notes and it would also change how you were doing your research so that’s why it’s important to do your research and take notes on it as you go along okay so moving on so the exploratory thinking we’ve talked a little bit about that it keeps the problem alive it doesn’t try to settle the matter so it also in exploratory thinking and considering points of view and different points of view as I said before the student who had talked about using soy as his topic and his research argument was that soy was not good for the body it wasn’t good for your help we should stop it ended up changing in mind about it completely changed his mind and he dug into a lot of the details so that was this that was a big twist of or a big flip but for you it might not be as big of a change it might be something more subtle and in terms of keeping the problem alive doing the research and keeping the annotated bibliography it keeps you focused on it for a long period of time because let’s face it when you have to write a research paper and you’re required to do something like this bibliography there’s the temptation to do it all the last minute which isn’t a very good idea with this assignment by the way but there’s also the temptation to just kind of even shove it into a cup of like a few weeks and forget about it afterwards well this gives you the opportunity to kind of think about it for a little bit jot down some notes about one source maybe take a few days off of it even a week or so come back to it put some more down and when you have that kind of time it almost percolate in your head it gives it a chance to sit the thought to sit there and simmer and move on and you can even think of if you give yourself more time to work on this bibliography you may also come across new ways of doing your research or finding another database to look into and as this slide points out it also gives you time to consider some of the strengths and weaknesses sometimes you know you can think about something until you know you’re about to get a headache from it and then you take a break you step outside your bedroom or your dorm room and you uh go for a cup of coffee and while you’re sitting there drinking a cup of coffee something makes sense then that happens to me a lot actually so it allows those kinds of things to happen when you give it your of time to work on the annotated bibliography so you want to make sure that you focus on a question problem or issue that genuinely perplexes you you don’t you know you don’t want to dwell a ton you don’t want to let it take over your life of course I don’t want that to happen and neither does miss Koster and we’re not asking that you saw up whatever it is either I’m not asking that you solve world hunger or any of the issues in the United States regarding economics and low-wage labor issues but we’re just asking that you think about it and pick a point choose a side and argue it so dialectical thinking explores multiple perspectives as I said before when you start working on something like an annotated bibliography at the beginning of a semester and you write the researched argument towards the middle of the semester you give all kinds of room and space for some of those thinking to pop up as I mentioned before and your sources can help you understand those perspectives as well and likewise those perspectives can help you understand the sources as this slide mentioned the double-entry logs help you track what you read so when I’m writing an annotated bibliography mine is maybe a little less focused than what yours is going to be because this is likely your first or possibly your second time writing one but when I write an annotated bibliography for myself I keep track of of what I find when I first find it and by double entry what that means is I sometimes go back and add a little bit of something you don’t always have to do that but occasionally you might you might think to yourself huh I like the direction this is going in I’m going to try to find something related to this in my next research endeavor so here’s an example of some of the research log entries for for the pretty annotated bibliography yeah I’m looking over this and you notice that yours doesn’t have to look exactly like this first of all this is just an example right um so I might not arrange it exactly like this but I do like how how there’s a lot of attention to detail so we have a date there but so that there’s there’s there’s an understanding of when you found it because you might go back and say okay so it’s very easy for some people anyway to find ten pieces of research that you know that you want to use right away you might start going through it and realize oh that’s not going to work that’s not going to work and then as you do that you might think okay well I need to go back and do this again it’s good to have a date recorded because you can keep track of not only where your thoughts were at that time because your thoughts are going to evolve but it can also help you keep track of when you’ve found it for instance if you happen to find this piece on from the Chronicle of philanthropy on February 8th and then you later on go back and March and do a little bit more you might need that date to help you separate out some of the information that you found it’s easy to get some of these confused with one another as well and that’s that’s really a great reason to keep these these notes for yourself and in some fields depending on the field that you’re going to be going into you might be required to have these as you do your own research so it’s really good to learn how to do this so for us we’re going to be following a specific format each each field by the way has their own way of doing this but essentially it’s the same information see you’ll notice two that we talked about where it was found gather as much details as you can there the last thing you want to do is find a title for something record it not put an author or put an author there accidentally misspelled it and then forget to put the magazine title or the journal title that you have because then sometimes you can find excellent research and then lose track of it you do not want to do that so write down as much as you can sometimes if you lose track of research and I’ve done this before myself you have to go searching through Google to find quotes from your notes you do not want to put yourself there it’s not always as easy as it sounds great drafting advice so narrate your research process what information did you look for why did you look for it talk a little bit about and explain how and why you selected your sources use both open and closed form features to be clear about your unfolding chronology and be clear about your thinking illustrate how you are keeping an open mind and wrestling with ideas uh again you’re not going to write down every single little bit about this but these are points that you might want to consider writing about write writing about write and again I’m doubling up too much there anyway this is something you might want to keep in mind but it’s certainly not a requirement so here’s the framework for an exploratory essay so the exploratory essay you start here gives your introduction and it starts with a problematic or significant question sometimes you’ll hear that referred to as a research question it shows why you’re interested in it and remember the last thing you want to do is pick a topic you’re not in arrested in for this it’s perfectly acceptable if you need to change your topic early on because you realize you’re not interested in it please do not get to week four or week five or week eight heaven help us all and change your mind about your topic because you’re not interested in it if you become interested in it at that point it’s likely because you’re just tired of it for a minute and you might want to take like a couple days away from it and then come back but you really want to make sure that you choose your topic and stick with it so body one section one of the first source this gives you an idea of what you can have here you can kind of follow this along also remember that for the annotated bibliography that you’re going to be writing for this course we have very specific questions and sections for you to answer so you will be writing all of this that we’ve gone over here these are just suggestions for what you could do but you will be paying close attention to the requirements for the assignment that we give you in the assignment sheet so a bibliography is an alphabetized list of sources that gets authors needs source titles and publication information annotation part that’s the notes in the evaluation creating any other – an annotation follow the directions please follow the directions while these slides and my presentation here have given you some ideas for how you can create any annotation again you want to make sure that you follow the directions on our assignment sheet so some review questions what’s the importance of exploratory writing think about that what are the key features of an exploratory essay so we went over that pretty well the exploratory essay and annotated bibliography kind of work side by side what we’re going to be doing for our course is a little bit different but it’s good for you to know about what an exploratory essay is so while you won’t be responsible for the exploratory essay portion of this you will be responsible for the annotated bibliography and one of the key features of the annotated bibliography the key features of the annotated bibliography is a bibliography a listing of sources in alphabetical order that have annotations with it or notes and what are the key features of the annotated bibliography you write for me and miss Koster those are in the assignment sheet so there you have it we’ve reviewed all of chapter 6 and we’ve talked about the annotated bibliography as well as the exploratory essay so if you have any questions or concerns about any of this material please feel free to reach out to me um make sure after you look at this video that you go through the schedule for this week make sure that you’ve watched any and all of the attached lectures and that you complete any of the necessary material or get started on anything that is going to be required as far as future work is concerned again if you have any questions about any of that feel free to reach out to meet or miss Koster thank you for watching

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